One Area – £250
Two Areas – £395
Three Areas – £525
Four Areas – £625
Five Areas – £700
Six Areas – £775
One Area – 2 People – £412 Save £44 Per Person
Two Areas – 2 People – £650 Save £70 Per Person
Three Areas – 2 People – £866 Save £92 Per Person
Four Areas – 2 People – £1,030 Save £110 Per Person
Five Areas – 2 People – £1,155 Save £123 Per Person
Six Areas – 2 Person – £1,280 Save £135 Per Person
Save Up to 60% on single treatment pricing, with multi-area, multi-treatment bookings.
Example: 3 Areas (Back – lower and Outer Thighs) would be £750, But we offer it for £525
While for some a single treatment in an area is sufficient, for many a series of 2 or 3 treatments in the same area spaced six weeks apart will be required.
To obtain the desired results and has major cumulative benefits compared to single treatments.
We offer a range of discounts for booking of multiple treatments along with additional discounts for multiple person treatments.
For more details of available multi-treatment and multi-person discounts, please contact us.
We occasionally have customer cancellations and have spaces in our treatment diaries to book in last minute appointments and we can offer discounts up to 50% depending on how many areas you want treating and whether its a clinic or home appointment.
Have you been adding weight and you are not sure about how you will manage it?
Here at spire aesthetics Chinnor, we offer you a chance to do fat Cryolipolysis which is the best weight solution for anybody who wants to lose weight.
Cryolipolysis is also known as fat freezing is a non-invasive and non-surgical medical technique that can be used to remove extra fat cells below the skin.
This method first marks the fatty areas below the skin then a vacuum-like device that is placed on the area to be treated then the extra fat cells are pulled in.
The fat collected is then frozen at a controlled cooling temperature for about one hour.
The fat cells are then destroyed and flushed through the metabolic system after constantly cooling them on a certain temperature. Some of the areas that fat freezing can be done include hips, inner thighs, the abdomen, arms and upper thighs.
Two months after treatment, you will begin experiencing steady changes in your body shape. The final results will be observed after a period of 4 months because fats keep destroying themselves after the treatment.
This way, the results that you desire can be seen for a long period of time. Also, it is more advisable to do more than one treatment so as to realize great results. Fats eliminated as they do not come back, makes the results last for a longer time as long as you eat and uphold a fit lifestyle.
Fat freezing is the most effective body therapy treatment that minimizes unwanted cells by destroying them without undergoing surgery.
The Cryolipolysis slimming machine technique being non- invasive means, there is no anaesthesia needed or needles. There are therefore no cuts or marks after the procedure.
While undergoing treatment, you can typically listen to music, read or even work on your laptop because the procedure is not surgical. One single session just lasts for one hour then you can go on doing other things according to your daily plan. The treatment allows you to pass your time well while the doctor is working on you.
After the treatment, you can comfortably go on with other daily activities. Some activities that you can do include sports.
The procedure is safe and scientifically proven as research has shown that fat cells become weak to the effects of cold.
They can be removed without destroying the surrounding skin. It can deal with cells whereas the nerves, skin and muscles are not affected.
The first few minutes of therapy, you get to experience a heavy sensation of cold that gets to finish quite quickly. Also because it is non- surgical, you just relax comfortably while undergoing the treatment.